This screen is designed to display all the purchase orders which are fully paid or partially paid. On this screen, you can analyze how much you have paid to purchase material during a period of time.
You can view the data for any specific vendor or for all the vendors.
Vendor Name : Please enter the vendor name to review the payment history for a single vendor or keep this field blank to see the details for all vendors. (To select the vendor from list of all vendors please type *.* and select the vendor you are looking for)
Branch Name : Please select the branch if you are a multi branch company and want to see the details for one branch. For all branches, please select ALL. For a single branch company, name of the company will appear here by default.
Date Range : Please select start and end date to see the payment details within that time frame.
Please enter the information and click on SUBMIT.
PO No. : This column will display purchase order number.
Receipt No. : When you make payment to vendor against purchase order in “Vendor Payment” screen, system generates on payment reference number automatically. We call them vendor payment receipt. That receipt number will display on these screen. You can view these receipts in “Vendor Receipt Info.” screen.
Branch Name : Branch who paid for this PO.
ID-Vendor Name : Vendor name and ID will display here.
PO-Received Date : Day when this purchase order was received.
Payment Date : Purchase Order Paid date.
PO Total : Total amount which your vendor has billed you.
Paid Total : Amount which you have paid against that purchase order. You can control the total number of transaction to display on the screen by selecting the number through “Show” drop down box.
If you want to copy, download or print the data from this screen, then please click on Copy/CSV/Excel/PDF or Print.
Accounts Payable Summary
AP Ledger Summary
Payable Aging Summary
Paying Vendor
Vendor Payment Info.