This screen is designed to display product wise purchase details. It will also display the price line and purchased quantity. You will be able do the product purchase comparison from this screen.
Please use following selections :
PO ID : Please enter the PO ID if you want to display product purchase details for a single PO else keep this filed blank.
Vendor Name : Please enter the vendor name on this field if you want to see product wise purchase details for a specific vendor.
Branch Name : Please enter the branch name (This field is not applicable for single branch company)
Product Name : If you want to see the purchase details for any particular product, please select the product name here.
Date Range : Please enter start & end date.
Please click on SUBMIT.
PO ID : Purchase order number/ID
PO Date : Day when this PO was received.
Product Name : Product on PO
Product Line : Name of the product line. (To know more about product line, please read “create product line help document”)
Vendor Name : Name of the vendor who sold this material to you.
Branch Name : Name of the receiving branch or company.
Order Value : PO total amount
Status : This screen will display the information for Received PO and Returned PO, so Status will be either received or returned.
Qty. Purchased : Total quantity purchased on that PO for that product.
Extended Cost : Extended cost for product ( Unit Cost * Product Quantity )
You can control the total number of transaction to display on the screen by selecting the number through “Show” drop down box.
If you want to copy, download or print the data from this screen, then please click on Copy/CSV/Excel/PDF/Print.
Create Purchase Order
Detail PO Report
Manage PO
Open PO Summary