
Contact Us: 6293-39-39-39 | info@nelsoerp.com


Nelso ERP partnership business module provides sustainable revenue opportunities to our partners for their contributions. As a partner you will be focusing on selling and implementing all our ERP solutions to the customers.

Referral Partner :

As a referral partner you will only share the leads with our sales team and if your recommendation results into sales, you will be rewarded.

For more detail please drop us an email info@nelsoerp.com or call us 6293-39-39-39/6293-666-222



All * fields are mandatory

Sales & Implementation Partner:

Our sales and implementation partners will work closely with Nelso sales & implementation team for product sales, implementation and after sales support.

For detail enquiry please email us info@nelserp.com
or call us 6293-39-39-39/6293-666-222



All * fields are mandatory